Healthy Living Lifestyle Recipes

What I Eat in a Day

A typical day of eating for me is usually based around real food and balanced macronutrients.

I firmly believe in the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of my meals are lean, clean, and green; and the other 20% of the time I leave room for cream in my coffee, a glass of wine, nachos (my guilty pleasure-but I never feel guilty!), or dessert. Did someone say ICE CREAM?

This is what works for ME! I feel balanced and not deprived. If I really want something I eat it, but I just make sure it’s not a daily thing.

Below is an example of a typical day of eating for me:

Breakfast: 4 scrambled egg whites, 1 slice of Ezekiel bread or Dave’s Bread topped with 1/4 of avocado, 1 cup of fruit.

Snack: 1/2 Cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk, 1 scoop Vanilla protein (I like Tone It Up Nutrition or Syntha-6), and 1 Cup of ice mixed together in a blender.

Lunch: 2 Quaker White Cheddar Rice Cakes, topped with 1 Can of Tuna- mixed with 2 TBSP of light Mayo or Vegenaise and 1/4 cup of diced celery, and 1 Cup of baby carrots on the side.

Snack: Protein Bar- Some of my favs are: Tone It Up Blueberry Coconut Bar, Think Thin Lemon Delight Bar, Quest Bar, or RX Bar. * If I’m still hungry I like to keep hard boiled eggs, nuts, or cut up veggies on hand in case I need more food.

Dinner: Lean Protein (usually a Chicken dish), carrots & cauliflower sautéed with olive oil, pink salt, and pepper, and 1 cup of diced baked sweet potatoes or 1/2 cup of jasmine or brown rice.

Dessert: I love Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt!

*A few months ago I had the privilege of collaborating with Yasso! I’ve been eating Yasso products for YEARS and I really LOVE their products! This is in NO way sponsored, I just highly recommend their products to those trying to live a balanced lifestyle or lose weight and still enjoy dessert.

IMPORTANT!!!  If you ever see a sponsored post from me, I want you to know from the bottom of my heart I will only promote products I use, love, and recommend! I turn down 95% of the products/sponsorships offered to me because they either don’t align with my lifestyle/brand or I’m not personally a fan. I will always be honest with you and I value your trust in me.

** This information is solely intended to provide assistance to you in your personal healthy eating efforts. The information is not intended as a substitute for consultation, evaluation, or treatment by a medical professional and/or registered dietitian or nutritionist.

If you would like to see more of what my daily nutrition looks like, leave me a comment below!


xx, Naomi

That Healthy Blonde.




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