Healthy Living Lifestyle Personal

10 Tips to Get Out of a Funk.

We’ve all been there….

Unbalanced. Feeling down. Off.

Strait up in a FUNK that you just can’t seem to shake!!!!

Every once in a while this happens to me…

It’s important for me to admit that right here and right now for the whole world to know!!!

No one is perfect or has the perfect life.

I’m generally a very happy and upbeat person, but I have my days too.

…And guess what? It’s ok.

If you’re reading this right now and you’re thinking “THAT’S ME!!!!!” I want to know you’re not alone and offer you some tips on how I GET OUT OF A FUNK!!!

  1. Stay off Social Media Log out of the apps. Don’t scroll. Just give yourself a break. It’s the first thing I do when I’m feeling off.
  2. Gratitude Think about your blessings and what you’re grateful for… Grab a pen and paper and write the first 5 things that come to mind. Focus on the good in your life.
  3. Read a Devotional Find inspiration and refreshment in a good book. I personally love “The Confident Woman” by Joyce Meyer or the You Version Bible app has FREE devotional plans based around various topics. I always feel better when I make time to quiet my mind and soak up words of encouragement.
  4. Pray or Meditate I believe in God. I believe He listens to us and He speaks to us. 1 Peter 5:7 says “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
  5. Blast some music I always feel better after I blast some of my favorite tunes! I usually end up dancing like the awkward dancer I am! It’s good for the soul to not take yourself too serious.
  6. Workout/ Move your body There’s nothing like some good old Endorphins to pick your mood up. Pick your favorite activity, go for a run, or have a random dance party. Get your body moving and I guarantee you your mood will be lifted.
  7. Set Goals First journal your thoughts. Write out the things that are bothering you and try to find resolve. What are some goals you can set to get you moving closer to resolution and further away from what’s putting you in a funk.
  8. Self Care Do something that makes you feel good. My go to self care list includes:              Dry brushing, taking a bubble bath, a cup of Peppermint tea, applying self tanner- I always feel better when I have some color and a little glow, face mask, lighting a candle, and some calm music; like a Yoga station on Pandora. Taking an hour to just focus on myself and relax always makes me feel so good!
  9.  Do something good You never know what someone else is going through and you’ll actually feel better if you take the focus off of yourself and pay it forward.  I highly recommend complimenting a stranger, buying a coffee for the person behind you at the coffee shop, sending a nice text or letter to a friend, or simply smiling at others. I know this one sounds strange, but you’ll be surprised how much it helps.
  10. Talk to someone Call your Mom, your best friend, or significant other. Someone who knows you well and gives sound advice. Sometimes just getting something off your chest is the best way to deal with things. I have those people in my life that I go to when I need encouragement and advice; and I always feel uplifted after I confide in them.

What do you do when you’re feeling funky?

I’d love to hear your input.

Thanks for reading and I hope you feel less alone and encouraged knowing life has it’s ups and downs and we can always find a way out.

xx, Naomi

That Healthy Blonde.