Healthy Living Lifestyle

6 Tips to Prevent Mindless Snacking


A few weeks ago I asked you guys what you wanted me to blog about, and one of THE most requested topics was “SNACKING” and how to avoid unnecessary snacking. 

We’ve all been there…


You fill in the blank…

Unnecessary snacking can really derail us from meeting our goals,

BUT don’t you even worry, girlfriend…

I’ve got TIPS FOR YOU!

  1. Determine if you are in fact HUNGRY. Keep a food journal and track your meals. Make sure you are eating enough for your body! Plan your meals ahead of time so you can be sure to have enough food with you throughout the day. If you didn’t eat enough, then by ALL MEANS EAT!!!! 
  2. Keep healthy food options available at ALL times. Stash food in your purse, your car, your pockets, I don’t care where you keep it…  just make sure you have access to it. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gone through my day with no meals planned and skipped meals. You know what happens EVERY single time? I get home from my busy day and turn into a ravenous, snacking monster who will eat anything and everything in site- especially my kid’s dang goldfish!
  3. DRINK WATER!!!! I know, you’ve heard this a BAZILLION times… but that’s because it’s true. The same part of your brain is responsible for interpreting hunger and thirst signals, which can lead to mixed signals. So get your signals in order and chug that water, friend! Sorry, I know TMI, but I always gauge by the color of my urine to tell if I’m hydrated or not. The lighter the color the better, you should be aiming for pale yellow or clear urine. #themoreyouknow
  4. Don’t eat when you’re distracted. AKA: Random snacking while watching your favorite TV show, just don’t do it. Be mindful of what you’re putting in your mouth! Slow down, sit down, and savor your food. Think about what you’re eating and how it’s nourishing your body.
  5. Distract yourself. I will be the first to admit I’m an emotional eater and sometimes I’ll even eat out boredom. I’ve found the best way to help with this is to find something else to do. For example: Take a bubble bath, paint your toes, learn the lyrics to the newest Cardi B song- I know almost all the lyrics to Bodak Yellow- HAHA,  whiten your teeth, clean out your closet, organize those junk drawers, go for a walk, watch YouTube tutorials, apply self tanner. Whatever floats your boat and helps you forget about your boyfriend’s leftover cheesecake.
  6. Brush your teeth. When I get my pearly whites feeling all minty fresh the last thing I want to do is eat. I also like to drink peppermint tea when I’m craving sweets, this always curbs my cravings-  I swear by it!

That basically wraps up what I personally do to avoid the snack attack. I hope these tips were helpful to you and I’d absolutely love to hear what YOU do to avoid unnecessary snacking.

Thanks for reading!

xx, Naomi



  1. I loooove this! I found myself totally at number 2&6!!! Great tips girl!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙃🙃🙃

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