
That Healthy Blonde’s Beauty Juice

You’ve seen everyone raving about Celery Juice lately, but maybe you’re not sure why this green juice is so trendy! I feel so great when I incorporate it in my diet on a regular basis, I’ve even got my husband hooked!

Here are 7 benefits of drinking this green beauty juice:

1. Reduces Inflammation in Your Body

2. Lowers Blood Pressure and Improves Cardiovascular Health

3. Full of Powerful Antioxidants and Anti-Cancer Components

4. Cleansing and Detoxifying: Reduces Bloating

5. Skin Enhancing Benefits

6. Hydrating

7. Enhances Relaxation and Sleep

I don’t know about you, but I’ll take all of the above- PLEASE!

With benefits like these, you should be asking yourself why you’re not drinking this magical juice already.

Somedays I drink plain celery juice, but every once in a while (aka: when I find a good deal on a pineapple) I add a few more amazing ingredients.

SPINACH + LEMON + PINEAPPLE which have very similar benefits to Celery juice and add a little extra flavor.

**If you don’t have a juicer you can blend the ingredients in a blender and strain the juice with a milk nut bag. This process is a little more time consuming, but it gets the job done!

Let me know if you try this recipe or if you have your own favorite combination.

I’d love to hear about it!

xx, Naomi
That Healthy Blonde


Juice the following ingredients and enjoy! *Makes 2 Servings

1/2 Lemon

1 Cup Pineapple

8 Celery Stalks

1 Cup Spinach

*You can also subsitute 1 apple en lieu of the pineapple







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